
This email is prepared by UOB Kay Hian (Hong Kong) Limited (“UOBKHHK”), which is a licensed corporation providing securities brokerage and securities advisory services in Hong Kong.

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The information or views in the email (“Information”) has been obtained or derived from sources believed by UOBKHHK to be reliable. However, UOBKHHK makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such sources or the Information and UOBKHHK accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage arising from the use of or reliance on the Information. UOBKHHK and its associates may have issued other reports expressing views different from the Information and all views expressed in all reports of UOBKHHK and its associates are subject to change without notice. UOBKHHK reserves the right to act upon or use the Information at any time, including before its publication herein.

Except as otherwise indicated below, (1) UOBKHHK, its associates and its officers, employees and representatives may, to the extent permitted by law, transact with, perform or provide broking, underwriting, corporate finance-related or other services for or solicit business from, the subject corporation(s) referred to in this email; (2) UOBKHHK, its associate and its officers, employees and representatives may also, to the extent permitted by law, transact with, perform or provide broking or other services for or solicit business from, other persons in respect of dealings in the securities referred to in this email or other investments related thereto; (3) the officers, employees and representatives of UOBKHHK may also serve on the board of directors or in trustee positions with the subject corporation(s) referred to in this email. (All of the foregoing is hereafter referred to as the “Subject Business”); and (4) UOBKHHK may otherwise have an interest (including a proprietary interest) in the subject corporation(s) referred to in this email.

As of the date of this report, no analyst responsible for any of the content in this email has any proprietary position or material interest in the securities of the corporation(s) which are referred to in the content they respectively author or are otherwise responsible for.